Department of Public and Development Administration
Faculty of Management, Commerce and LawAbout Us

Prof Harry Munzhedzi HOD: PUBLIC AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION Office No 14 SMS Building Office: 015 962 9384 Link for Docs
he Department of Public and Development Administration offers a comprehensive range of services in public administration and management, development management studies and local government administration, comprising education, training, and development; research projects; and extensive community services.
The Department of Public and Development Administration aims to develop human potential by means of equipping students with knowledge and skills to utilize socio-economic resources for the local, national as well as the Southern African region.
The Department of Public and Development Administration provides appropriately equipped human resources for the public and private sectors in Southern Africa. The basic function of the Department is to train, educate, develop and equip students and community members at various levels as well as to provide assistance through community engagement to members of the community in which it operates.
The Department offers the following programmes:
- Bachelor of Administration Extended (MSEAPA)
- Bachelor of Administration (MSBBAD)
- Bachelor of Public Administration Honours (MSHPAH)
- Master of Administration (MSMMA)
- Master of Public Management (MSMPM)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration (MSPPPA)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Public Management) (MSPDPM)
- Doctor of Administration (MSPDA).
The Department sees its role as that of doing the following:
Degrees Offered
Bachelor of Administration in Public Administration (Extended Programme) MSEAPA
Bachelor of Administration in Public Administration (MSBAPA)
Bachelor of Public Administration Honours (MSHPAH)
Master of Administration (MSMMA) (Full Research)
Master of Public Management (MSMMPM) (Coursework)
Doctor of Administration (MSPDA)
Doctor of Philosophy (Public Administration) (MSPPPA)
Doctor of Philosophy (Public Management)