Department of Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
Faculty of Management, Commerce and LawAbout Us

Dr Khathutshelo Khashane, PhD HoD: Human Resource Management & Labour Relations HR Professional Commissioner of Oath Faculty of Management, Commerce & Law University of Venda Tel. +27 15 962 8839 Cell: 082 398 1802
Originally established as the Department of Industrial Psychology in 1985, the department has recently (in 2002) being renamed as the Department of Human Resource Management and Labour Relations offering tuition in the areas of human resource development, human resource management, industrial psychology and labour relations to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department has 3 permanent staff members and is supplemented by a part-time lecturer.
Our Vision
We aspire to build up high quality leaders, human resources management practitioners and professionals who make an optimistic and enduring difference to the wellbeing of organisations, individuals, and society.
Our Mission
Our purpose is to bridge the human resources management practice gap in ways that enable the realisation of potential and wellbeing in employment.
Education and Professional Development
A wide range of educational programmes are available at undergraduate, honours, masters and PHD. Our flagship programmes in Human Resource Management is designed to reflect the changing role of HRM in the development and implementation of employment policies and procedures, and skills acquisition and development. Our programme leads to Graduate membership of both the South African Board of personnel practices (SABPP). All our educational and professional development activities are designed to make a significant contribution towards the enhancement of HRM and leadership practice, realising potential and improving employee wellbeing.
Admission Criteria
- Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
- Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Human Resource Management
- Master of commerce (MCom) in Human Resource Management
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)/Doctor of Commerce (DCom) Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
- HRM1541 Psychological Foundations of Human Resource Management (12)
- HRM 1641 Introduction to Industrial Psychology (12)
- HRM 2521 Occupational Psychology (15)
- HRM 2522 Human Resources Development (15)
- HRM 2621 Research Methodology (15)
- HRM 2622 Psychometrics (15)
- HRM 3521 Human Resources Management (15)
- HRM 3522 Ergonomics (15)
- HRM 3621 Organisational Psychology (15)
- HRM 3622 Industrial Relations (15)
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Human Resource Management
- HRM 5522 Strategic Human Resources Management
- HRM 5523 Industrial and Labour Relations
- HRM 5521 Research Methodology
- HRM 5524 Human Resources Development
- HRM 5529 Collective Bargaining and Dispute Resolution
- HRM 5621 Psychological Assessment
- HRM 5622 Mini-Dissertation
- HRM 5623 Organizational Design, Structure and Change
- HRM 5626 Ergonomics or
- HRM 5624 Occupational Health and Safety
- HRM 5629 Affirmative Action, Diversity Management and Empowerment.
Master of commerce (MCOM) in Human Resource Management
Research Dissertation
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)/Doctor of Commerce (DCom) Human Resource Management
Research Thesis/Dissertation